Glasses clinked. Friends looked into the eyes of friends and smiled as the sound of classical music floated through the crisp autumn air, blending the sound of their voices. As the chef introduced the next course made using produce he’d grown from his own garden, a resounding approval erupted. Guests clapped and eagerly picked up their forks in the candlelight. A low hum of conversation mingled with laughter and filled the room as they savored their truffle parmesan tomato cups, their crab profiteroles, classic beet salads, smoke chicken en croute, New York Sous Vide and raspberry pots d’cocoa. They were brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and the closest of friends. Just hours earlier, they’d sat side by side and been witnesses together of a marriage beginning. Now they celebrated. Kyle and Annie were husband and wife and there was yet another bond strengthening the lifetime ties represented in that room.
Kyle and Annie, as you look back on these pictures, may you be reminded of all the people that have filled your world and all the reasons they love you. May you celebrate the many micro and macro decisions that led you to this day and never lose the spark that ignites your enthusiasm for life, together. May each year be sweeter than the last and your dedication to each other become an increasingly fulfilling pursuit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to capture this one day amongst the thousands you will share…
Exchanging letters with each other just before their first look…Kyle and Annie planned a sky lantern release with all of their guests, but due to the wind, they opted to release just one as the bride and groom…And in true 2020 fashion, it caught on fire in their hands, they laughed, put it out in a bucket of water and the night continued.
So much exquisite detail!